Featured Schools
We feature a variety of schools of more than 1000 Colleges and Universities in the United States. While focusing on selection factors and career goals, we base our evaluation on each student’s profile to advise and orient to the most suitable school. We have evaluated and our knowledgeable of the selection process. We help you every step of the way.
Field school selection factors include:
First, are the academic results consistent with the entry requirements of the chosen school?
Second, is the destination in the US that you choose as a place to study?
Third, are there relatives in the area?
Fourth, does the Visa pass rate is also related to the school chosen?
We have gather a list of the Top Universities students regularly attend. In addition to this list, we will advise in detail based on your academic and career goals. Contact us today to learn more
High School
High school academics are the core of your university application, so it is important to focus and maximize key curriculum for the most impact on your university applications.
We represent many middle and high schools in over 50 states in the US including:
- Private school system
- American public school system
- Boarding
- Host family
School Scholarship Options:
- Half/Partial
- Totality/Full
For more information, please contact:
Jessica (Xuan) Felhauer
FGS Study Abroad
Lead Student Coordinator
Richmond, VA
Vietnamese Contact: 804-931-3018
English Contact: 804-517-9850
General Inquiries:
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We will contact you as soon as possible.
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